
The file to edit is hue.ini (which is based on this template). The actual values used by the API server can be checked on the Dump Config page.

The most important sections to configure are about the:

  • API Server. e.g. pointing to a relational database where Hue saves users and queries, selecting the login method like LDAP, customizing the look & feel, activating special features, disabling some apps…
  • Connectors. e.g. pointing to Data Warehouse services you want to make easy to query or browse. Those are typically which databases we want users to query with SQL or filesystems to browse.


  • Restarting the server is currently required after for taking ini changes into consideration
  • In development mode (i.e. when using ./build/env/bin/hue runserver and not runcpserver), the correct ini file is desktop/conf/pseudo-distributed.ini