Hue v4.4.0, released March 28th 2019
Hue, http://gethue.com, is Hue is an open source SQL Cloud Assistant for developing and accessing SQL/Data Apps.
Its main features:
- Editors to query with SQL any database and submit jobs
- Dashboards to dynamically interact and visualize data
- Scheduler of jobs and workflows
- Browsers for data and a Data Catalog
Read the complete list of improvements on Hue 4.4 is out!.
The focus of this release was to improve the self service SQL troubleshooting and stability.
Notable Changes
- Easier Self Service Query Troubleshooting
- Prettier display of the SQL Query Profile
- Better compatibility with Hive in HDP
- Apache Hive has typically been very innovative in the Hortonworks distribution. Support for Tez and Hive LLAP was bumped.
- The jobs will show up in Job Browser
- The query ID is printed
- The progress is displayed
- Misc Improvements
- More than 80 bugs were fixed to improve the supportability and stability. The full list is in the release notes but here are the top ones:
- HUE-7474 [core] Add ability to enable/disable Hue data/file “download” options globally
- HUE-7128 [core] Apply config ENABLE_DOWNLOAD to search dashboard
- HUE-8680 [core] Fill in Impalad WEBUI username passwords automatically
- HUE-8585 [useradmin] Bubbling up errors for Add Sync Ldap Users
- HUE-8690 [backend] Fix Hue allows unsigned SAML assertions
- HUE-8140 [editor] Improve multi-statement execution
- HUE-8662 [core] Fix missing static URLs
- The Hue Docker image was simplified
- Upstream documentations has a better table of contents, restyling, update of old instructions… Reporting issues or sending a suggestion is one click away via GitHub, so feel free to send some pull requests!
Runs on CentOS versions 6.8+, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL 6, 7), and Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04.
Tested with CDH6. Specifically:
- Hadoop 3.0
- Hive 2.1 / 3.0
- Oozie 5.0
- HBase 2.0
- Pig 0.17
- Impala 3.0
- Solr 7.4
- Spark 2.2
Other versions should work, but not tested.
Supported Browsers:
Hue works with the two most recent versions of the following browsers.
- Chrome
- Firefox LTS
- Safari (not supported on Windows)
- Internet Explorer / Edge
Runs with Python 2.7+
Note: CentOS 6 and RHEL 6 require EPEL python 2.7 package.
List of 450+ Commits
- 3d2c2a4 HUE-8769 [core] Perform 4.4 release
- 64c5ea1 HUE-8740 [docs] Refactor some of the old dev content
- 43a1329 HUE-8770 [docs] Document about Livy CSRF option
- 2222250 HUE-8772 [core] Add custom commit on top of Django upgrade fixing ‘user is missing in mako context’
- e9a6a03 HUE-8772 [core] Upgrade Django from 1.11 to 1.11.20
- b14016e HUE-8770 [spark] Send proper header to Livy when CSRF protection is enabled (#823)
- 9d68e94 HUE-8756 [docs] Better nodejs installation instructions of nodejs for Ubuntu
- 664992c HUE-8756 [docs] Add dev steps for pycharm / eclipse.
- bd7ae37 HUE-6238 [doc] Update Hue admin config doc
- 1100dcf HUE-8687 [frontend] Fix for removed ko_components.mako
- 5d0b85c HUE-8760 [core] Fix TestStrictRedirection.test_redirection_blocked
- bfeb97b HUE-8756 [docs] Add the list of authentication backends
- 6b8a6f3 HUE-8756 [docs] Add missing proxy user information
- e353ff5 HUE-8756 [docs] Add a reference to Gunicorn
- 5d97755 HUE-8756 [docs] Starting to update the Editor end user section
- 792b687 HUE-8756 [docs] Refactoring of the developer section
- 4814746 HUE-8756 [docs] Another pass of clean-up on the user section
- aa350b8 HUE-8756 [docs] Adding source version control documentation
- f2501b7 HUE-8756 [docs] Refactor and refresh SQL connectors
- 945098b HUE-8759 [importer] Fix import to index, importing to hive instead.
- b51ecc0 HUE-8704 [jb] Add resizing for profile details.
- 1ac4457 HUE-8704 [jb] Fix profile ellipsis for Firefox
- 3e6ed07 HUE-8741 [doc] Improve scroll to top behaviour in docs
- f0d5737 HUE-8763 [autocomplete] Add definitions to the autocomplete parse results
- e434298 HUE-8762 [frontend] Stabilize parser generation
- 9e05a0a HUE-8691 [useradmin] Fix group sync fail to import member
- ccc31bc HUE-8756 [docs] Add Druid to the list of connectors
- 17b3889 HUE-8756 [docs] Pass updating the content and reorganazing the configuration toc
- 55b06f3 HUE-8756 [doc] Fix a series of broken links
- 14cb3e9 HUE-8760: [core] Error with redirect to page
- be6b453 HUE-8741 [doc] Tone down the logo and left and right navigation chevrons
- f19efdb HUE-8741 [doc] Add scroll to top button
- 30a6d44 HUE-8754 [editor] Fix various js exceptions from the charts when switching between chart types
- fd63d83 HUE-8687 [frontend] Move reminding chart components into webpack bundles
- 5f9ba5d HUE-8753 [frontend] Fix about page step 2 js exception
- be77ac4 HUE-8749 [catalog] Rename get_navigator_url() to get_catalog_url()
- 869d366 HUE-8749 [catalog] Remove hardcoded Navigator from the messages
- 932f8c8 HUE-8749 [catalog] Rename has_navigator() to has_catalog()
- 2acd475 HUE-8749 [catalog] Rename has_file_search method to be generic
- cb51e9b HUE-8775: [editor] Boolean variable substitution fails with coercion error
- 8a1469e HUE-8752: [editor] Variable substitution does not use the default value when empty (#814)
- a236969 HUE-8717 [oozie] Fix Sqoop1 editor fail to execute
- b50914b HUE-8687 [editor] Fix timing issue when loading the editor
- 7cc87bc HUE-8751 [editor] Prevent showing all editor types in the header briefly on load
- 5add249 HUE-8687 [frontend] Fetch topo json on demand for map charts
- f9fb4f5 HUE-8687 [frontend] Move datamap topo graphs into webpack
- 0d724dc HUE-8741 [doc] How to document how to access the shell and count documents
- 268622c HUE-8741 [doc] Do not leave install top page empty
- 86064ae HUE-8741 [doc] Clean-up the Administration hierarchy
- 8c5e683 HUE-8741 [doc] Split Hue administration and configuration in two
- 6025056 HUE-8741 [doc] Instruction on how to run the doc site in dev mode
- 2c5878a HUE-8741 [doc] Adding Hue favicon
- 657301f HUE-8741 [doc] Use correct path for the search
- b4d5219 HUE-8741 [doc] Move build instruction to the top in the development section
- ce18113 HUE-8741 [doc] Add correct link for the images
- 66fb38a HUE-8687 [frontend] Fix for removed ko_components.mako
- 35277c0 HUE-8741 [doc] Add Apache Ranger, Atlas and Knox integrations to the roadmap
- 2525d3b HUE-8741 [doc] Add GA to doc footer
- 2342db3 HUE-8741 [doc] Tweak menu footer to be lighter for now
- 165f0a8 HUE-8741 [doc] Add back the search and a way to skip release notes from indexing
- f45df0b HUE-8741 [doc] Add instruction on how to build the new website
- 2dccc0e HUE-8741 [doc] New documentation website
- 5395b88 HUE-8741 [doc] Add links to jiras to the roadmap page
- acd1027 HUE-8687 [frontend] Move all the common ko components into webpack modules
- dbaf300 HUE-8687 [frontend] Introduce an I18n global js function
- 1606475 HUE-8687 [frontend] Move D3 and chart bindings into webpack
- cda0268 HUE-8746 [pig] Add hcat support in the Pig Editor in Hue
- ad3c4c4 HUE-8741 [doc] Fix typo in roadmap about NGINX
- e3d4132 HUE-8741 [doc] Add a few more top jiras to the roadmap
- e9ebc51 HUE-8741 [doc] Clean-up of the end user guide
- 7ab3fde HUE-8741 [doc] TOC re-organization of the SDK
- d48508e HUE-8742 [catalog] Fix navigation on table create.
- d0a3897 HUE-8741 [doc] Add info about SparkSQL Livy connector
- abec26e HUE-8741 [doc] Add a high level roadmap
- 97b23f3 HUE-8741 [doc] List more supported DBs
- 2feb553 HUE-8728 [jb] Fix optimzer_api test.
- c41b8ec HUE-8728 [jb] Fix download test.
- af7338c HUE-8741 [doc] Add contributing page to repo
- 6b09493 HUE-8741 [doc] Refresh Admin documentation content
- 368c2dd HUE-8687 [doc] Fix link to Docker page
- 503132c HUE-8687 [doc] Improve syling of js parser command instructions
- cdab63f HUE-8735 [jb] Handle null bytes in query id
- 5cc202b HUE-7621 [sqlalchemy] Adding connector example in the inis
- 8a9a0f9 HUE-7621 [sqlalchemy] Avoid list index out of range on empty result
- f5f58e5 HUE-8704 [jb] Add back codegen to profile.
- 7aa2c46 HUE-8704 [jb] Fix Kudu icon in profile
- bb8b15f HUE-8687 [doc] Improve instructions on how to re-generate the js SQL parser
- e075de2 HUE-8732 [jb] Convert FINISHED state to SUCCEEDED in API comment
- 9fd8b2d HUE-8732 [jb] Force Knockout to handle the update of rerunModalContent before trying to modify its DOM
- b7d188a HUE-8732 [jb] Fix rerun_coord_popup for normal JB mode and mini JB mode
- ec488cc HUE-8732 [jb] Rerun button for scheduler tasks is not working
- e12e9fe HUE-8732 [jb] ‘Select all’ button is not working for sheduler tasks
- ce523a6 HUE-8730 [docker] Workaround the webpack generation
- 02791a2 HUE-8730 [docker] Hook-in webpack bundle generation into the image
- b4e8d56 HUE-8730 [docker] Add npm packages to compile the js properly
- c7f0acd HUE-8734 [editor] Fix zero width column filter in the results
- 279be3f HUE-8687 [editor] Split notebook.ko.js and move js code blocks from editor_components into webpack
- 66f4daf HUE-8687 [editor] Move additional editor dependencies into webpack and add a runtime bundle
- 251a654 HUE-8687 [frontend] Speed up bundle generation by separating workers and login generation
- 1da717c HUE-8729 [oozie] Add property archive to Spark Action
- 89589f7 HUE-8730 [docker] Refactor and organize the image building
- 4cb5abd HUE-8728 [jb] Redirect client for file download.
- 5321892 HUE-8687 [frontend] Fix sprintf in ko
- 6206c4d HUE-8731 [oozie] Can not save coordinator from examples (#807)
- ce743a0 HUE-8608 [useradmin] Add config check on num of QueryHistory, SavedQuery, and Job
- 8fac8c2 HUE-8298 [core] Update configuration flag for Cloudera Manager API URL
- 0d0a776 HUE-8687 [frontend] Fix less generation and add style linter
- 4658b81 HUE-8727 [frontend] Prevent Chrome from autofilling user name in various input elements
- a88901f HUE-8687 [frontend] Move the reminding autocompleter logic into the webpack bundle
- 7a14481 HUE-8687 [frontend] Move all the jasmine tests into the new js structure
- 1b99978 HUE-8687 [frontend] Add webpack-stats.json to gitignore
- 3544332 HUE-8687 [frontend] Move all the remaining parsers into webpack bundles
- fbd3b2c HUE-8330 [notebook] Support any type of computes in multi cluster
- c0f91d9 HUE-8725 [core] Adding python-crontab lib for Celery Beat
- aeb9c8a HUE-8725 [core] Adding django-timezone-field lib for Celery Beat
- 9b9caec HUE-8725 [core] Add configuration for Celery Beat
- 4827624 HUE-8725 [core] Adding Django Celery Beat lib
- 634ddbb HUE-8259 [core] Integrate task server in the configuration
- eaa8c1c HUE-8259 [core] Integrating Celery
- 92cf5a5 HUE-8259 [core] Adding python packages dependencies of Task Service
- dcca94e HUE-8724 [k8s] Provide how to run Hue server in Kubernetes
- f8631e1 HUE-8723 [editor] Remove old autocompleter and use the new one for all SQL editors
- cfff677 HUE-8687 [frontend] Move the hue.mako view models into webpack
- 3a82479 HUE-8687 [frontend] Add “npm install” to make apps and update the sdk docs
- f779446 HUE-8721 [frontend] Remove the is_hue_4 and disable_hue_3 configuration flags
- a3f50f7 HUE-8720 [importer] Fix importer with custom separator
- d1c8af9 HUE-8704 [jb] Fix profile exchange time.
- a2906a1 HUE-8704 [jb] Display IO + CPU time on profile node.
- 51956bd HUE-8704 [jb] Hide profile health risks behind flag.
- b66e735 HUE-8687 [frontend] Add generated js bundles to .gitignore
- 8542cef HUE-8713 [jb] Fetch log name list dynamically for Yarn jobs.
- d0969cd HUE-8687 [frontend] Add initial notebook bundle
- 2d7d2cc HUE-8687 [frontend] Add custom js bundle for the login page
- 2de3fa5 HUE-8687 [frontend] Add automatic bundle cleaning when running “npm run dev”
- c40271f HUE-8687 [frontend] Update sdk docs and licence file for npm and webpack bundling
- 6ac54c5 HUE-8687 [frontend] Drop the use of expose-loader
- 5ed04bd HUE-8687 [frontend] Move additional third party dependencies to the webpack bundle
- 282d0c3 HUE-8687 [frontend] Migrate additional jquery plugins to webpack
- ea80b4d HUE-8687 [frontend] Modularize all custom ko bindings
- d60d130 HUE-8687 [frontend] Modularize the SQL syntax parser and add a dedicated web worker bundle
- cee13ff HUE-8687 [frontend] Fix linting issues
- 9449dc6 HUE-8687 [frontend] Move the assist models into the wepback bundle
- 8bf78c9 HUE-8687 [frontend] Modularize the context catalog
- 827da5e HUE-8687 [frontend] Modularize the data catalog
- 361770c HUE-8687 [frontend] Modularize and bundle the ApiHelper and related util classes
- 50b77d8 HUE-8687 [frontend] Add eslint
- 9b5cfc5 HUE-8687 [frontend] Prevent initially garbled page when switching apps
- dead422 HUE-8687 [frontend] Fix jquery upgrade issue with draggable
- d92d831 HUE-8687 [frontend] Migrate various jquery plugins to webpack
- 6b2d0ae HUE-8687 [frontend] Bundle additional modules
- 0ef3c51 HUE-8687 [frontend] Upgrade jQuery to 3.3.1
- 339c922 HUE-8687 [frontend] Refactor and modularize hue.utils.js
- 5004838 HUE-8687 [frontend] Fix issue with page.js routing
- 634bc81 HUE-8687 [frontend] Bump versions for webpack and babel to the latest
- 4b534cb HUE-8687 [frontend] Add webpack for js modularity and bundling
- 1e85de1 HUE-8718 [doc] Add info on how to build the Ace editor
- 045be23 HUE-8713 [assist] Add missing column in TEZ.
- 9ad1b33 HUE-8713 [notebook] Add progress updates for TEZ jobs.
- 403c6f8 HUE-8713 [jb] Support TEZ jobs.
- 318fb85 HUE-8708 [jb] Less aggresive job fetching.
- 7969581 HUE-8714 [core] force flag use_new_editor is true all the time
- af64f77 HUE-8717 [oozie] Fix Oozie action Sqoop job failed to execute
- cd2701d HUE-8716 [core] Default value of ssl_cipher_list in hue.ini does not match with real value in desktop/conf.py (#805)
- c78a800 PR795 [editor] Add a ClickHouse connector using jdbc (#795)
- c169794 HUE-8693 [useradmin] Fix Security app only display 100 user in impersonate list
- f18726d HUE-7258 [jb] Get conf via CM if Spnego enabled on Spark history server
- afa1f28 HUE-8709 [useradmin] Fix black transparent screen remains after confirmation modal is hidden
- 9e50d5b HUE-8692 [useradmin] Fix group sync stops when a group member is not found
- d4276fe HUE-8707 [doc] Add info for building the sql autocomplete
- 197b12b HUE-8706 [frontend] Add Dashboard to DW left menu
- b52380c HUE-8707 [doc] Add a footer with link to the page source on github
- 3ea64aa HUE-8704 [jb] Update generated thrift for profile.
- a16e201 HUE-8691 [useradmin] Fix importing users failed silently if objectClass posixGroup exists in group
- b1406a0 HUE-8704 [jb] Fix profile expand doesn't respond to click.
- 074c509 HUE-8704 [jb] Improve profile performance.
- 8d23228 PR798 [oozie] Fix workflow widget id colliding bug (#798)
- e509718 HUE-8704 [jb] Fix profile unit test.
- 9c8c32c HUE-8704 [jb] Fixed profile with missing stats.
- 2c5dcb5 PR800 [notebook] Add JDBC Assist for Presto (#800)
- 8f48ba6 HUE-8705 [oozie] Fix hiding chooseWorkflowDemiModal clickable in coordinator
- 60d6518 HUE-8690 [core] Add allows unsigned SAML assertions properties to inis
- 804d095 HUE-8706 [frontend] Change the top nav logo in DW mode
- ab56d8d HUE-8706 [frontend] Change the left nav design in DW mode
- 9d8c013 HUE-8584 [useradmin] Bubbling up errors for Add Sync Ldap Group
- 96fbe70 HUE-8704 [jb] Add health risks to profile.
- d5d479c HUE-8585 [useradmin] Bubbling up errors for Add Sync Ldap Users
- 8b99e35 HUE-8703 [editor] Clear the URL parameters when creating a new editor
- 0d755eb HUE-8140 [editor] Additional improvements to multi statement execution
- 66b8645 HUE-8701 [tb] Prevent eternal spinner when there are no namespaces
- b17973e HUE-8701 [editor] Prevent js exception in the context selector when no namespaces exist
- 2307f53 HUE-8700 [editor] Highlight empty variables.
- 60dc8c9 HUE-8674 [jb] Added overview details on profile.
- 0fd4d3c HUE-8674 [jb] Update metrics on profile.
- 5f3170e HUE-8699 [jb] Disable recurrent Yarn job browser status check for now in k8s mode
- 2dcf14e HUE-8699 [core] Adding skeleton of Hue on Kubernetes
- 712372e HUE-8674 [jb] Added IO to cpu time in profile.
- 899148b HUE-8690 [backend] Fix Hue allows unsigned SAML assertions
- 73764c9 HUE-8674 [jb] Fetch jobs only if interface is defined.
- 6754e44 HUE-8674 [jb] Added simplified timeline to profile.
- 716ef9f HUE-8695 [importer] Do not show the command but submit when clicking on submit button
- e066d05 HUE-8694 [frontend] Fix scroll in the database dropdown
- c05be9e HUE-8140 [editor] Improve multi-statement execution
- e211a8a HUE-8649 [jb] Remove unused C3 lib
- 1b77b93 HUE-8674 [jb] Add network time to profile.
- e66d5bc HUE-8674 [jb] Add filters and groupby conditions to profile
- 48a1b5b HUE-8674 [jb] Add more metrics to query plan.
- 5146aec HUE-8674 [jb] Add more metrics to query plan.
- cacf60f HUE-8688 [core] update Chinese language code to enable Hue Chinese localization
- 5e78413 HUE-8674 [jb] Fix timeline for multicluster.
- b0bd9f7 HUE-8679 [impala] Fix hostname in remote cluster profile fetching
- f3d4ac7 HUE-8674 [jb] Add timeline to profile.
- dadf7b5 HUE-8680 [core] Fill in Impalad WEBUI username passwords automatically if needed
- 4082346 HUE-8682 [backend] Update third party README
- 72fbdb0 HUE-8679 [jb] Fix query interface single cluster after query
- 56b665d HUE-7258 [jb] Add config check for Spark history server URL
- f67abf3 HUE-8577 [editor] Fix internal topic links in the language reference
- 78b9c97 HUE-8577 [editor] Sync the built in UDF library with the Impala language reference
- 30ba0ce HUE-8577 [editor] Preserve formatting in language reference code blocks
- 46ef524 HUE-8577 [editor] Update the Impala Language Reference to the latest version
- c5cb6f2 HUE-8577 [autocomplete] Add support for Impala ALTER DATABASE statements
- 1193436 HUE-8577 [autocomplete] Update the Impala SET options and UDFs
- 81cb646 HUE-8577 [autocomplete] Add support for the Impala REFRESH AUTHORIZATION statement
- 884b58b HUE-8682 [backend] Change PAM lib to python-pam-1.8.4
- 8d66b0b HUE-8685 [importer] DB importer always shows DB already exists
- 02a236e HUE-8679 [jb] Fix query interface single cluster
- a61122c HUE-8674 [jb] Add additional metrics to query profile.
- 6bd7d7d HUE-8679 [jb] Only show chart metrics when the API is enabled
- 367a905 HUE-8679 [cluster] Add Warehouse title without tabs
- 1bc3ff8 HUE-8679 [cluster] Hide extra apps in k8s mode too
- 2466152 HUE-8679 [core] Avoid config checks false positive error in multi cluster mode
- f735b4f HUE-8679 [cluster] Add proper Impala API in multicluster Impala
- b27dc3f HUE-8679 [notebook] Order of ini properties is not properly loaded in global constant file
- 1856351 HUE-8679 [jb] Show query profile in multi cluster multi cluster logic
- ad2cbe5 HUE-8679 [notebook] Open query profile in correct cluster
- 88f944d HUE-8681 [assist] Include non-opened topics in the language ref filter
- 4a0b2e9 HUE-8677 [oozie] Oozie batch snippet hangs (#787)
- bd24275 PR737 [oozie] Support multiple groups in workflow permissions (#737)
- 4db8f45 [HUE-7919] oozie error ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘is_superuser’ (#775)
- 52e8b9a PR791 [docker] correct the command to copy the hue.ini file (#791)
- c6fff47 HUE-8665 [libanalyse] Add missing localization folder
- ad820d7 HUE-8598 [autocomplete] Improve autocomplete for CREATE statements
- f91ebbb HUE-8671 [autocomplete] handle two escape character within quotes (#780)
- 02be9ec HUE-8598 [autocomplete] Split the rules WithSerdeproperties and OptionalWithSerdeproperties into one for Impala and one for Hive (#749)
- 03850f1 HUE-8674 [jb] Add reset button to Impala plan.
- c331f37 HUE-8587 [jb] Make impala api cache url specific.
- 5fa75c3 HUE-8675 [core] Fix external users created as superuser
- 74af933 HUE-8674 [jb] Add more icons to Impala plan & fix Subplan
- cc15921 HUE-8676 [jb] Fix pagination with is_hue_4 flag off
- fb3eb25 HUE-8674 [jb] Revamp UX for Impala query plan.
- c6ea3ca HUE-8587 [jb] Fix Jobbrowser to work with Smart Connection Pool
- 0113911 HUE-8673 [notebook] Flag for the Impala query hints
- c05d0fb HUE-8649 [frontend] Make sure we alway have values for metrics in the resource graph
- 39dc303 HUE-8673 [metrics] Get metrics for the proper cluster only
- 0116bef HUE-8649 [impala] Add back query count metric variable
- 9c1bf12 HUE-8649 [frontend] Show a message when metrics are being loaded
- bc2cd5e HUE-8649 [frontend] Get some metrics from prometheus instead of random data
- fcb7d10 HUE-8649 [frontend] Add some transitions and format the performance graph axes
- b8d23df HUE-8649 [frontend] Switch to checkboxes for the legend in the performance graph
- 3d91405 HUE-8649 [frontend] Add custom brush handles and improve colors in the performance graph
- 362339d HUE-8649 [frontend] Fix issue with flickering tooltip in the performance graph
- 4901183 HUE-8672 [jb] Protect against basic graph display when data is empty
- cf01c37 HUE-8672 [jb] Stopped cluster is different than terminated and should be in running category
- a80b889 HUE-8672 [jb] Fix signature of profile function of get clusters
- c1fac4c HUE-8672 [jb] Partially hook-in the metric stats to the usage chart
- 1c748a3 HUE-8672 [core] Rename parameter steps to step in the Prometheus API
- 3bab502 HUE-8672 [core] Provide an entry point to the Prometheus API
- 359ad79 HUE-8672 [core] Add Prometheus querying API
- b3fdedd HUE-8649 [frontend] Remember the selected granularity in the performance graph
- fce9f2f HUE-8649 [frontend] Remember which graph is enabled in the performance graph
- a8bb7ab HUE-8649 [frontend] Improve focus indicators and add date to focus tooltip in the performance graph
- f322ba4 HUE-8649 [frontend] Fix closest point detection on hover in the performance graph
- e155009 HUE-8564 [useradmin] Fix last activity update for jobbrowser oozie logs
- 41f94ff HUE-8665 [editor] Update scanner_filter rule with supported predicates.
- 9748f96 HUE-8665 [editor] Fix execution analysis disposal.
- 3c8df3f HUE-8665 [editor] Add predicate optimization rule for Kudu.
- 7cfd6c9 HUE-8665 [editor] Fix Kudu missing stats reason.
- 1dcb093 HUE-8665 [editor] Add navigation from risk to plan.
- 0bc55aa HUE-8649 [frontend] Add Y axis labels to the performance graph
- 1084ac8 HUE-8649 [frontend] Add granularity options to the performance graph
- b38051b HUE-8649 [frontend] Have the performance graph roll over instead of append
- ae8daa2 HUE-8760 [jb] Polish hpa logic to display desired replicas and current CPU usage
- 4eef24e HUE-8670 [jb] Reset or load autoscaling info properly in the forms
- 6d83ff8 HUE-8665 [editor] Add fix for missing statistics.
- 7b66215 HUE-8670 [cluster] Switch Terminating cluster to Stopped when properly shutdown
- 5ad4813 HUE-8670 [cluster] Wire-in the autoscale API
- 6a656d9 HUE-8670 [jb] Add more air to mini Impala query browser to promote the query plan
- 78eaae3 HUE-8670 [cluster] Adding auto resize option to the update cluster API
- d397106 HUE-8670 [cluster] Updating UI to display auto scale properties
- 9fa9340 HUE-8665 [editor] Add background color and formatting to heatmap popup.
- 53c2a75 HUE-8665 [editor] Hide execution analysis tab prior to query execution.
- cf29e40 HUE-8665 [editor] Hide nodes that do not have risks.
- 641f23a HUE-8665 [editor] Add rule to check if statistics are missing.
- 48b8d74 HUE-8649 [frontend] Add tooltip and stacked bars for queries
- d7734e4 HUE-8668 [editor] Add table names to syntax checker suggestions
- 07a0919 HUE-8667 [autocomplete] Fix issue where order by and group by suggestions aren't displayed properly
- 85ff344 HUE-8666 [autocomplete] Fix timing issue with “… ? from table” completion
- ea6df5e HUE-8665 [editor] Add rule to detect missing metadata.
- e74c096 HUE-8665 [editor] Add number to risk alerts.
- 6c5e764 HUE-8649 [importer] Do not actually create the table when displaying the command
- dd09085 HUE-8664 [importer] Fixed Flume source import properties initialization
- 9e817b3 HUE-8665 [editor] Add basic execution analysis for Impala
- 61f2e40 HUE-8649 [jb] Create ApiHelper skeleton and fetch random stats every second in the performance graph
- 5c2b2f4 HUE-8649 [jb] Add support for appending data in the performance graph
- 938a9a2 HUE-8649 [jb] Support arbitrary amount of performance graphs
- 521c644 HUE-8649 [jb] Switch to D3 for rendering the performance graph
- 6c1dfdc HUE-8140 [editor] Add additional statement types to automatic multi query execution
- cbf84f0 HUE-8661 [assist] Enable scrollbars in context popover view sql
- abfa446 HUE-7128 [core] Apply config ENABLE_DOWNLOAD to search dashboard download
- a8aae58 HUE-8664 [metadata] Perform prefix search only
- 48da580 HUE-8663 [core] Fix SAML TemplateDoesNotExist
- dbabd5c HUE-8662 [core] Fix missing static URLs
- 5d94781 HUE-8660 [assist] Support multiple # in file names for assist preview
- c7365a4 HUE-8649 [jb] Show multiple resources in the performance graph
- d5ba166 HUE-8649 [jb] Add auto resize threshold to performance graphs
- 4c045e1 HUE-8649 [jb] Add zoom and style the performance graph
- 5346841 HUE-8649 [jb] Switch to C3js for rendering performance graphs
- 6362225 HUE-8649 [frontend] Add a performance graph component
- 7df4c16 HUE-8659 [importer] Fix js exception with the field editor
- 4291704 HUE-8660 [core] Fix page routing issues with file browser paths containing #
- cf89af8 HUE-8660 [assist] Fix file preview in left assist for files with # in the name
- f043d76 HUE-8658 [frontend] Fix popover alignment on first show
- b467c1c HUE-8657 [jb] Add cluster configure action to single cluster view
- 12ccdf0 HUE-8657 [jb] Adjust headings and paginator for warehouses mode
- 8ab6d78 HUE-8657 [frontend] Switch to popover for create cluster options
- 2cc120b HUE-8630 test_fetch_result_size_mr increase timeout.
- d058bf9 HUE-8630 [notebook] Disable by default showing the file snippet selector
- e6ea83f HUE-8656 [tb] Make sure a compute is always set in the table browser
- b3ea40d HUE-8655 [editor] Have the location handler wait for a compute and namespace to be set
- 4253f9a HUE-8654 [editor] Prevent setting empty object for namespace and compute
- 70d0367 HUE-8654 [editor] Guarantee a namespace and compute is set in single cluster mode
- 5c4b159 HUE-8652 [frontend] Fix JS exception in jquery.hiveautocomplete when no namespaces are returned
- 123fa67 HUE-8651 [editor] Add a dedicated execution analysis tab in the editor
- d4b188f HUE-8651 [frontend] Add an execution analysis component
- b56f954 HUE-8651 [assist] Remove execution analysis from the right assist
- 551769b HUE-8630 [core] test_get_interpreters_to_show reset DESKTOP_APPS redux
- 077fd90 HUE-8630 [core] xxd_test SkipTest import
- 0479b9d HUE-8630 [core] test_get_interpreters_to_show reset DESKTOP_APPS
- 2b38919 HUE-8630 [core] xxd_test SkipTest if xxd is not found.
- 85dcb96 HUE-8630 [core] TestResourceManagerHaNoHadoop tearDown reset API_CACHE
- 7cadf0d HUE-8630 [core] Fix solr_client_test reset_properties correctly.
- 26e7f35 HUE-8647 [assist] Show DB info icon regardless of nav configuration
- f1e1be2 HUE-8631 [hbase] pull thrift transport from hbase-site.xml
- 16f2e75 HUE-8630 [core] Fix impala integration tests setup.
- 255aa7c HUE-8630 [core] Fix test_get_interpreters_to_show reset blacklist
- fce4687 HUE-8648 [importer] sqoop configured rdbms fails
- ab79f5c [core] Hue-8644 fixing test_user_admin
- 10306fa HUE-8630 [core] dbms swap caching key username to id.
- d98fff7 HUE-8645 [jb] Clear cluster selection after killing a cluster
- ecbde74 [HUE-8645](https://issues.cloudera.org/browse/[HUE-8645](https://issues.cloudera.org/browse/HUE-8645)) [assist] Refresh namespaces when a cluster is killed
- bb0fe68 [HUE-8645](https://issues.cloudera.org/browse/[HUE-8645](https://issues.cloudera.org/browse/HUE-8645)) [assist] Poll for namespace status change when a namespace is starting
- ae25884 PR770 [doc] Edited markdown headers (#770)
- 4723c65 HUE-8630 [core] Fix test_db_migrations_mysql mysql not installed.
- 5842bac HUE-8630 [core] TestDashboard catch_unicode_time unable to parse date
- ffb6a19 HUE-8630 [core] Fix test_dump_config & test_config_check HUE_CONF_DIR
- 3c2f1d8 HUE-8630 [core] Fix tests_doc2 test_import_owned_document data
- 507bd41 HUE-8630 [core] Fix notebook get_sample_data operation default
- 45364f0 HUE-8630 [metadata] Skip tests that fail when the catalog is to slow to update
- f141c1f HUE-8630 [core] Fix test_show_tables metastore table post
- 841da88 HUE-8643 [importer] Fix showing the import command
- 3b2be2c [core] HUE-8640 adding missing parameters like statement_raw and variables in snippets to fix test in TestNotebookApi
- a7ac485 HUE-8641 [frontend] Trigger a namespace refresh when the context catalog is cleared
- b11d426 HUE-8638 [importer] Enable context popover and syntax error highlighting in the importer field editor
- 9719948 HUE-8638 [core] Remove dead webworker code for embedded mode
- 91b7e4b HUE-8638 [frontend] Disable operations in the context popover for temporary entries
- c6f0648 HUE-8638 [frontend] Enable breadcrumb navigation in the context popover for temporary entries
- 740c138 HUE-8638 [frontend] Add samples to temporary catalog entries
- 55f5253 HUE-8638 [frontend] Make sure a temporary source is created in the data catalog for temporary tables
- af6b424 HUE-8638 [editor] Move context popover and tooltip logic out of the aceEditor binding
- b1e0243 HUE-8638 [editor] Extract editor webworker logic to global handler
- 643ce72 HUE-8638 [importer] Pre-fill a complete statement for the field editor
- d28c18f HUE-8638 [importer] Improve the query editor table name
- 1d091ea HUE-8630 [core] Fix TestBeeswaxWithHadoop describe_table post
- 64014ca HUE-8630 [core] sql_tests missing sourceType
- 42b2198 HUE-8630 [core] Fix test_create_database metastore url
- 918dd21 HUE-8630 [core] Fix install_samples loaddata atomic
- 0b7ce11 HUE-8630 [core] Fix import_documents loaddata atomic
- f63c4ab HUE-8630 [core] Fix test_db_migrations_mysql missing mysql command
- 62424ef HUE-8639 [metadata] Include the docstring into the configuration
- fa4a904 HUE-8638 [importer] Add autocomplete of source fields to the editor in the importer
- 2383933 HUE-8638 [frontend] Add default set of metadata for temporary entries
- 3917cc8 HUE-8638 [frontend] Add the ability to create temporary tables in the data catalog
- fd0cd4f HUE-8639 [metadata] Do not do Sentry filtering when Sentry is not configured
- 291ec57 HUE-8330 [metastore] Update describe table tests to use POST and not GET now
- 3a9fc19 HUE-8630 [core] Fix test_make_log_links hue 4 links
- eb5cc60 HUE-8630 [core] Fix test_db_migrations_sqlite missing import
- 9f99f69 HUE-8330 [cluster] Keep only external cluster configs in [[clusters]]
- 38c59fd HUE-8636 [assist] Fix the show in assist link in the language reference context popover
- 1263ece HUE-8330 [sql] Remove hardcoding to timeout after 5s when executing statement
- 3c85e44 HUE-8330 [core] API should not check for remote cloud clusters if they are not configured
- 1f2229d HUE-8330 [frontend] Improve font in wxm images when Roboto isn't available
- cec46c1 HUE-8330 [importer] Improve SFDC import autocomplete
- 1a20edc HUE-8330 [frontend] Use oozie icon for workflows in the sidebar
- b2041f9 HUE-8330 [frontend] Fix invalidate flush in K8S mode
- 09607f4 HUE-8330 [frontend] Have the sidebar items depend on the current cluster mode
- 215c7d4 HUE-8330 [frontend] Increase the size of the DE logo
- 8e3e247 HUE-8330 [frontend] Add pubSub to switch between DE and DW mode
- 026c972 HUE-8330 [cluster] Hide json message when creating a k8 cluster
- 489b710 HUE-8330 [cluster] Fix bug disabling the Kill button for k8s services
- d89f5fd HUE-8330 [impapal] Fix _get_impala_result_size when using multi cluster
- a96edec HUE-8330 [js] Fix typo when importing cluster flag
- fc58c39 HUE-8330 [frontend] Use URL to determine which left nav item is active
- 2b83a35 HUE-8330 [frontend] Change the workflows icon
- f5056fa HUE-8330 [frontend] Add DE logo
- 41eefcb HUE-8330 [frontend] Always flush all on invalidate in K8 only mode
- 7fb0945 HUE-8330 [cluster] Use smaller input for the number of replicas
- 468906f HUE-8330 [jb] Move resize action to show on the same line
- dab24a4 HUE-8330 [cluster] Tweak the menu to show clusters in the bottom
- cfcc227 HUE-8330 [frontend] Use cluster icon for warehouses
- 95da0bc HUE-8330 [frontend] Save sidebar collapsed state in total storage and have it open by default
- 321c7ae HUE-8330 [jb] Add tabs in cluster view
- cdbcbcd HUE-8330 [frontend] Prevent initial js error in the dw sidebar when no app is set
- 160d5fd HUE-8330 [frontend] Add warehouses icon
- ecb4723 HUE-8330 [frontend] Keep left sidebar items constant
- 438f496 HUE-8330 [jb] Simplify cluster service page
- 4555512 HUE-8330 [frontend] Remove double level menu links for now
- 69927f3 HUE-8330 [frontend] Tweak the menu to only show the core apps
- 19515d3 HUE-8330 [frontend] Add an inner left nav for multi cluster only mode
- c937a14 HUE-8330 [frontend] Remove home, data eng and stewart from the left hamburger menu
- f3cfe08 HUE-8330 [frontend] Add dw logos
- e78a63c HUE-8330 [core] Tweak the left menu items
- 67e565f HUE-8330 [impala] Remove mocked impalad http address
- 193582e HUE-8610 [tb] Convert GET format to POST for describe table
- 93029ba HUE-8610 [tb] Post the source type when calling describe table
- f48ba7e HUE-8330 [jb] Add PoC WXM Summary
- 2621aef HUE-8330 [cluster] Add more information to the service section
- 26a2d82 HUE-8617 [impala] Support multi cluster in invalidate metadata
- 0b32fb6 HUE-8330 [cluster] Split cluster and service creation in two
- 6f08a22 HUE-8330 [cluster] Consolidate the menu
- 4b763ca HUE-8616 [cluster] getNamespaces for impala returns namespace with hive compute
- 7275c9c HUE-8605 [metadata] Only show the Table Privilege tab when Sentry is enabled
- 68d65c0 HUE-8330 [importer] Show generated command for Flume pipelines
- 8e6e155 HUE-8330 [metadata] DESCRIBE EXTENTED DATABASE incompability with Impala
- 22bc6e8 HUE-8586 [metastore] Support multi cluster parameters
- b409450 HUE-8330 [importer] Saving pipeline API skeleton
- 9237f43 HUE-8330 [importer] Skeleton of show command popup for Sqoop import
- 7baece9 HUE-8330 [importer] Skeleton of show command popup for CREATE TABLE from a file
- 96afa5b HUE-8330 [importer] Include morphline files into the tasks
- e04e5e8 HUE-8330 [importer] Do not disable submit when input is Kafka and output Kudu and table already exists
- 98cdc84 HUE-8330 [importer] Add skeleton support for from Kafka to Solr
- 602f50f HUE-8330 [importer] Example of from Kafka to Kudu via Spark
- 2afc770 HUE-8330 [importer] Automatically prefill output table name when sqooping one table
- 487fc7f HUE-8586 [notebook] Add selected cluster to the sample popup check status call
- 3f28d33 HUE-8586 [notebook] Fix interface name conflict on data API calls with multi cluster
- 798709a HUE-8586 [metadata] Integrate sample API with the multi cluster logic
- fce62d6 HUE-8330 [metadata] Convert /impala-hive/api API to support multi cluster
- 326ca89 HUE-8586 [cluster] Properly list compute clusters in compute API with k8s
- 05c4501 HUE-8586 [notebook] Add selected cluster to the create session call
- 28d756e HUE-8586 [cluster] Rename k8 properties to k8s
- 3ea20d8 PR759 [doc] Update installation guide for MacOS (#759)
This Hue release is made possible thanks to the contribution from:
- Aaron Newton
- Aaron Peddle
- Aaron T. Myers
- abec
- Abraham Elmahrek
- Aditya Acharya
- Adrian Yavorskyy
- aig
- airokey
- Alex Breshears
- Alex Newman
- Alex (posi) Newman
- alheio
- alphaskade
- Ambreen Kazi
- Amit Kabra
- Andrei Savu
- Andrew Bayer
- Andrew Yao
- Andy Braslavskiy
- Ann McCown
- antbell
- Antonio Bellezza
- arahuja
- Ashu Pachauri
- Atupal
- Avindra Goolcharan
- bcwalrus
- bc Wong
- Ben Bishop
- Ben Gooley
- Ben White
- Bhargava Kalathuru
- Bruce Mitchener
- Bruno Mahé
- bschell
- bwang
- cconner
- Chris Conner
- Chris Stephens
- Christopher Conner
- Christopher McConnell
- Christopherwq Conner
- cmconner156
- Craig Minihan
- cwalet
- Daehan Kim
- dbeech
- denniszag
- Derek Chen-Becker
- Diego Sevilla Ruiz
- Dominik Gehl
- Eli Collins
- Enrico Berti
- Erick Tryzelaar
- Ewan Higgs
- fatherfox
- gdgt
- Gilad Wolff
- grundprinzip
- Grzegorz Kokosiński
- Guido Serra
- happywind
- Harsh
- Harsh J
- Hector Acosta
- Henry Robinson
- Igor Wiedler
- Ilkka Turunen
- Istvan
- Ivan Dzikovsky
- Ivan Orlov
- Jack McCracken
- Jaguar Xiong
- Jakub Kukul
- Jarcek
- jdesjean
- jeff.melching
- Jenny Kim
- jheyming
- Joe Crobak
- Joey Echeverria
- Johan Ahlen
- Johan Åhlén
- Jon Natkins
- Josh Walters
- Karissa McKelvey
- Kevin Wang
- Khwunchai Jaengsawang
- Kostas Sakellis
- krish
- Lars Francke
- Li Jiahong
- linchan-ms
- Linden Hillenbrand
- Luca Natali
- Luke Carmichael
- lvziling
- maiha
- Marcus McLaughlin
- Mariusz Strzelecki
- Mathias Rangel Wulff
- Matías Javier Rossi
- Max T
- Michael Prim
- Michal Ferlinski
- Michalis Kongtongk
- Mobin Ranjbar
- motta
- mrmrs
- Mykhailo Kysliuk
- Nicolas Fouché
- NikolayZhebet
- Olaf Flebbe
- Oren Mazor
- oxpa
- Pala M Muthaia Chettiar
- Patricia Sz
- Patrick Carlson
- Patrycja Szabłowska
- pat white
- Paul Battaglia
- Paul McCaughtry
- peddle
- Peter Slawski
- Philip Zeyliger
- Piotr Ackermann
- pkuwm
- Prachi Poddar
- Prakash Ranade
- Prasad Mujumdar
- Qi Xiao
- rainysia
- raphi
- Renxia Wang
- Rick Bernotas
- Ricky Saltzer
- robrotheram
- Romain Rigaux
- Roman Shaposhnik
- Roohi
- Roohi Syeda
- Rui Pereira
- Sai Chirravuri
- Scott Kahler
- Sean Mackrory
- Shahab Tajik
- Shawarma
- Shawn Van Ittersum
- shobull
- Shrijeet
- Shrijeet Paliwal
- Shuo Diao
- Siddhartha Sahu
- Simon Beale
- Simon Whittaker
- sky4star
- spaztic1215
- Stefano Palazzo
- Stephanie Bodoff
- Suhas Satish
- Tamas Sule
- Tatsuo Kawasaki
- Taylor Ainsworth
- Thai Bui
- thinker0
- Thomas Aylott
- Thomas Poepping
- Tianjin Gu
- tjphilpot
- todaychi
- Todd Lipcon
- Tom Mulder
- Vadim Markovtsev
- van Orlov
- vinithra
- voyageth
- vybs
- Wang, Xiaozhe
- Weixia Xu
- William Bourque
- wilson
- Word
- Xavier Morera
- Xhxiong
- Xiao Kang
- Xingang Zhang
- xq262144
- Ying Chen
- Yixiao Lin
- Yoer
- Yuriy Hupalo
- ywheel
- Zachary York
- Zach York
- Zhang Bo
- Zhang Ruiqiang
- zhengkai
- Zhihai Xu
- z-york
- 小龙哥