This section is about configuring the Hue server itself.
These configuration variables are under the [desktop]
section in
the conf/hue.ini
configuration file.
Directly below the [[database]]
line, add the following options (and modify accordingly for
your MySQL setup):
And run the table creation one time:
./build/env/bin/hue migrate
Hue uses CherryPy web server. You can use the following options to change the IP address and port that the web server listens on. The default setting is port 8888 on all configured IP addresses.
# Webserver listens on this address and port
Instead of running CherryPy, Gunicorn will be launched:
# Set to true to use CherryPy as the webserver, set to false
# to use Gunicorn as the webserver. Defaults to CherryPy if
# key is not specified.
# Gunicorn work class: gevent or evenlet, gthread or sync.
For security, you should also specify the secret key that is used for secure hashing in the session store. Enter a long series of random characters (30 to 60 characters is recommended).
NOTE: If you don't specify a secret key, your session cookies will not be secure. Hue will run but it will also display error messages telling you to set the secret key.
In the Hue ini configuration file, in the [desktop] section, you can enter the names of the app to hide:
# Comma separated list of apps to not load at server startup.
By default (AllowFirstUserDjangoBackend
), the first user who logs in to Hue can choose any
username and password and becomes an administrator automatically. This
user can create other user and administrator accounts. User information is
stored in the Django database in the Django backend.
The authentication system is pluggable. Here is a list of some of the possible authentications:
This is the default Hue backend. It creates the first user that logs in as the super user. After this, it relies on Django and the user manager to authenticate users.
This backend does not require a password for users to log in. All users are automatically authenticated and the username is set to what is provided.
Authenticates users against an LDAP service.
There are two ways to bind Hue with an LDAP directory service:
Note: Username pattern does not work with AD because AD inserts spaces into the UID which Hue cannot process.
Encryption: To prevent credentials from transmitting in the clear, encrypt with LDAP over SSL, using the LDAPS protocol on the LDAPS port (636 by default); or encrypt with the StartTLS extension using the standard LDAP protocol and port (389 by default). Cloudera recommends LDAPS. You must have a CA Certificate in either case.
Hue Supported LDAP Authentication and Encryption Methods
LDAP Auth Action Encrypted (LDAPS) Encrypted (LDAP+TLS) Not Encrypted (LDAP)
Direct Bind - NT Domain AD AD AD
Direct Bind - User Pattern LDAP LDAP LDAP
Example of a Search Bind configuration encrypted with LDAPS:
Example of a Direct Bind configuration for Active Directory encrypted with LDAPS:
Example of a Direct Bind configuration for Active Directory encrypted with StartTLS:
Search bind authentication does an ldapsearch against one or more directory services and binds with the found distinguished name (DN) and password. Hue searches the subtree from the base distinguished name. If LDAP Username Attribute is set, Hue looks for an entry whose attribute has the same value as the short name given at login.
Important: Search binding works with all directory service types. It is also the only method that allows synchronizing groups at login (set with sync_groups_on_login in a safety-valve).
Set the following required properties:
Authentication Backend desktop.auth.backend.LdapBackend
LDAP URL ldaps://<ldap_server>:636 (or ldap://<ldap_server>:389)
LDAP Server CA Certificate /path_to_certificate/cert.pem
LDAP Search Base DC=mycompany,DC=com
LDAP Bind User Distinguished Name username@domain
LDAP Bind Password bind_user_password
Use Search Bind Authentication TRUE
Enable LDAP TLS FALSE if using LDAPS or not encrypting
Create LDAP users on login TRUE
Note: To encrypt with TLS, set LDAP URL to ldap://<ldap_server>:389 and check Enable LDAP TLS. For a proof of concept without encryption, use ldap://<ldap_server>:389, remove the value for LDAP Server CA Certificate, and uncheck Enable LDAP TLS.
You can optionally improve search performance with attributes and filters.
LDAP User Filter objectclass=user (default = *)
LDAP Username Attribute sAMAccountName (AD default), uid (LDAP default)
LDAP Group Filter objectclass=group (default = *)
LDAP Group Name Attribute cn (default)
LDAP Group Membership Attribute member (default)
Note: With the user settings in the table above, the LDAP search filter has the form: (&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=)).
Add any valid user and/or valid group to quickly test your LDAP configuration.
LDAP Username for Test LDAP Configuration Any valid user
LDAP Group Name for Test LDAP Configuration Any valid group
Note: The syntax of Bind Distinguished Name differs per bind method:
Search Bind: username@domain
Direct Bind with NT Domain: username
Direct Bind with Username Pattern: DN string (full DIT path)
Do not use if anonymous binding is supported.
## You can test ldapsearch at the command line as follows:
LDAPTLS_CACERT=/<path_to_cert>/<ca_certificate> ldapsearch -H ldaps://<ldap_server>:636 \
-D "<bind_dn>" -w <bind_password> -b <base_dn> "samaccountname=<user>"
Note: To run ldapsearch with a CA certificate, you may need to install ldap_utils on Debian/Ubuntu and openldap-clients on RHEL/CentOS.
To authenticate with direct binding, Hue needs either the User Principal Name (UPN) for Active Directory, or the full path to the LDAP user in the Directory Information Tree (DIT) for open standard LDAP.
Important: Direct binding only works with one domain. For multiple directories, use Search Bind.
To directly bind to an Active Directory/LDAP server with NT domain:
Click the Configuration tab and filter by scope=Service-wide and category=Security.
Set LDAP properties exactly like Search Bind with these exceptions: Active Directory Domain LDAP Bind User Distinguished Name (not username@domain) Use Search Bind Authentication FALSE
Test your LDAP configuration, and when successful, Restart Hue. To directly bind to an open standard LDAP server with a username pattern:
Remove the value for Active Directory Domain.
Set both LDAP Username Pattern and LDAP Bind User Distinguished Name to a DN string that represents the full path of the directory information tree, from UID to top level domain.
Note: When using direct bind, set LDAP Search Base, not for authentication (you can log on to Hue without it), but to Synchronize Hue with LDAP Server.
Hue is not able to sync the LDAP group in Hue and it reports the following error : Could not get LDAP details for groups in pattern <group_name>
check your configuration if ‘subgroups’ is set under [[ldap]] and remove it.
Secure Assertion Markup Language (SAML) single sign-on (SSO) backend. Delegates authentication to the configured Identity Provider. See Configuring Hue for SAML for more details.
Authenticate Hue Users with SAML
Hue supports SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) for Single Sign-on (SSO) authentication.
The SAML 2.0 Web Browser SSO profile has three components:
When a user requests access to an application, the Service Provider (Hue) sends an authentication request from the User Agent (browser) to the Identity Provider. The Identity Provider authenticates the user, sends a response, and redirects the browser back to Hue. This page explains how to configure Hue, the Service Provider, and gives guidance on how to configure the Identity Provider, which differs per product.
Configure Hue for SAML Authentication
The Service Provider (Hue) and the Identity Provider use a metadata file to confirm each other's identity. Hue stores metadata from the SAML server, and the IdP stores metadata from Hue server.
In Configure Hue at the Command Line, you must copy the metadata from your IdP's SAML server and store it in an XML file on every host with a Hue server. Important: Read the documentation of your Identity Provider for details on how to procure the XML of the SAML server metadata.
Configure Hue at the Command Line Important: You may need to disable cipher algorithms. See SAML SSL Error in Troubleshooting below.
Install the following libraries on all hosts in your cluster:
## RHEL/CentOS
yum install git gcc python-devel swig openssl
## Ubuntu/Debian
apt-get install git gcc python-dev swig openssl
zypper install git gcc python-devel swig openssl make libxslt-devel libltdl-devel
Install xmlsec1 and xmlsec1-openssl on all hosts in the cluster:
Important: Ensure that the xmlsec1 package is executable by the user, hue.
## RHEL/CentOS
yum install xmlsec1 xmlsec1-openssl
Note: If xmlsec libraries are not available, use the appropriate epel repository:
## For RHEL/CentOS 7
rpm -ivh epel-release-7-6.noarch.rpm
## Ubuntu/Debian
apt-get install xmlsec1 libxmlsec1-openssl
## SLES (get latest version)
tar -xvzf xmlsec1-1.2.24.tar.gz
cd xmlsec1-1.2.24
./configure && make
make install
Copy metadata from your IdP's SAML server and save it as an XML file on every host with a Hue server. For example, if your Identity Provider is Shibboleth, visit https://<idp_host>:8443/idp/shibboleth, copy the metadata content, and paste it into an .xml file.
Note: You may have to edit the copied metadata; for example, the IdP's port number (8443) may be missing from its URL.
mkdir -pm 755 /opt/cloudera/security/saml/
cd /opt/cloudera/security/saml/
vim idp-<your idp provider>-metadata.xml
Add key_file and cert_file for encrypted assertions–see Table of SAML Parameters.
Warning: Add key and cert files even if not encrypting assertions. Hue checks for the existence and validity of these files even if they are not needed! They cannot be empty files. This is a known issue.
If necessary, create “valid” dummy files:
openssl genrsa -des3 -out dummy.key 2048
openssl rsa -inform PEM -outform PEM -in dummy.key -pubout -out dummy-nopass.pem
Configure Hue
Currently, all hue.ini properties for SAML must be added to Hue Service safety-valve in Cloudera Manager. Log on to Cloudera Manager and go to Hue > Configuration.
## Example Settings using Open AM:
entity_id=<host base name>
Note: For SLES distributions, the xmlsec binary may be in /usr/local/bin/. If so:
Integrate IdP SAML Server with Hue
After Hue is configured and restarted, copy the metadata generated by Hue server and send it to your Identity Provider so they can configure the SAML server.
Ensure Hue is configured, restarted, and running. Go to http://<hue_fqdn>:8889/saml2/metadata.
Copy the metadata and send it to your Identity Provider.
Ensure that your Identity Provider configures the SAML server with the Hue metadata (just as you configured the Hue server with SAML metadata).
SAML Properties in hue.ini
Table of SAML Parameters
SAML Parameter Description authn_requests_signed Boolean, that when True, signs Hue-initiated authentication requests with X.509 certificate. backend Hard-coded value set to SAML backend library packaged with Hue (libsaml.backend.SAML2Backend). base_url URL that SAML Identity Provider uses for responses. Typically used in Load balanced Hue environments. cert_file Path to X.509 certificate sent with encrypted metadata. File format must be .PEM. create_users_on_login Boolean, that when True, creates users from OpenId, upon successful login. entity_id Service provider ID. Can also accept pattern where ‘<base_url>’ is replaced with server URL base. key_file Path to private key used to encrypt metadata. File format must be .PEM. key_file_password Password used to decrypt the X.509 certificate in memory. logout_enabled Boolean, that when True, enables single logout. logout_requests_signed Boolean, that when True, signs Hue-initiated logout requests with an X.509 certificate. metadata_file Path to readable metadata XML file copied from Identity Provider. name_id_format Format of NameID that Hue requests from SAML server. optional_attributes Comma-separated list of optional attributes that Hue requests from Identity Provider. required_attributes Comma-separated list of required attributes that Hue requests from Identity Provider. For example, uid and email. redirect_whitelist Fully qualified domain name of SAML server: “^/.*$,^https://<SAML_server_FQDN>/.*$”. user_attribute_mapping Map of Identity Provider attributes to Hue django user attributes. For example, {‘uid’:‘username’, ‘email’:‘email’}. username_source Declares source of username as nameid or attributes. xmlsec_binary Path to xmlsec_binary that signs, verifies, encrypts/decrypts SAML requests and assertions. Must be executable by user, hue. Description of some properties to be set in hue.ini (via Cloudera Manager): redirect_whitelist [desktop]
Set to the fully qualified domain name of the SAML server so that Hue can redirect to the SAML server for authentication.
Note: Hue uses redirect_whitelist to protect itself from redirecting to unapproved URLs.
backend [desktop]>[[auth]]
Point to the SAML backend (packaged with Hue):
xmlsec_binary [libsaml]
Point to the xmlsec1 library path:
Note: To find the path, run: which xmlsec1
metadata_file [libsaml]
Point to the path of the XML file you created from the IdP's metadata:
key_file and cert_file [libsaml]
To encrypt communication between Hue and the Identity Provider, you need a private key and certificate. The private key signs requests sent to the Identity Provider and the certificate file encrypts and decrypts messages from the Identity Provider.
Copy these files from the Identity Provider and set key_file and cert_file to their respective paths. Both files are in PEM format and must be named with the .PEM extension.
Note: The key and certificate files specified by the key_file and cert_file parameters in hue.ini must be .PEM files. Users with password-protected certificates can set the property, key_file_password in hue.ini. Hue uses the password to decrypt the SAML certificate in memory and passes it to xmlsec1 through a named pipe. The decrypted certificate never touches the disk. This only works for POSIX-compatible platforms.
Remember to Enable DEBUG for logging.
OpenSSL might fail in CDH 5.5.x and higher with this message:
SSLError: [Errno bad handshake] [('SSL routines', 'SSL3_CHECK_CERT_AND_ALGORITHM', 'dh key too small')]
To resolve, append the following code to the file, /usr/java/<your_jdk_version>-cloudera/jre/lib/security/
jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=MD5, RC4, DH
SAML Decrypt Error
The following error is an indication that you are using a slightly different SAML protocol from what Hue expects:
Error: ('failed to decrypt', -1)
To resolve:
Download and rename Python script, fix-xmlsec1.txt.
wget -O
Change permissions as appropriate, for example:
chmod 755
In hue.ini, set xmlsec_binary=<path_to_script>/ Run
This script repairs the known issue whereby xmlsec1 is not compiled with RetrievalMethod and cannot find the location of the encrypted key. SAML2 responses would sometimes place EncryptedKey outside of the EncryptedData tree. This script moves EncryptedKey under EncryptedData.
SPNEGO is an authentication mechanism negotiation protocol. Authentication can be delegated to an authentication server, such as a Kerberos KDC, depending on the mechanism negotiated.
Authenticates users with PAM (pluggable authentication module). The authentication mode depends on the PAM module used.
Delegates authentication to a third-party OAuth server.
For example, to enable Hue to first attempt LDAP directory lookup before falling back to the database-backed user model, we can update the hue.ini configuration file or Hue safety valve in Cloudera Manager with a list containing first the LdapBackend followed by either the ModelBackend or custom AllowFirstUserDjangoBackend (permits first login and relies on user model for all subsequent authentication):
This tells Hue to first check against the configured LDAP directory service, and if the username is not found in the directory, then attempt to authenticate the user with the Django user manager.
We explained how to run Hue with NGINX serving the static files or under Apache. If you use another proxy, you might need to set these options:
You can configure Hue to serve over HTTPS.
Configure Hue to use your private key by adding the following
options to the hue.ini
configuration file:
ssl_certificate=/path/to/certificate ssl_private_key=/path/to/key
Ideally, you would have an appropriate key signed by a Certificate Authority.
If you're just testing, you can create a self-signed key using the openssl
command that may be installed on your system:
Create a key:
openssl genrsa 1024 > host.key
Create a self-signed certificate:
openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -key host.key > host.cert
To upload files using the Hue File Browser over HTTPS requires using a proper SSL Certificate. Self-signed certificates don't work.
Note: The security vulnerability SWEET32 is also called Birthday attacks against TLS ciphers with 64bit block size and it is assigned CVE-2016-2183. This is due to legacy block ciphers having block size of 64 bits are vulnerable to a practical collision attack when used in CBC mode.
DES/3DES are the only ciphers has block size of 64-bit. One way to config Hue not to use them:
When getting a bigger result set from Hive/Impala or bigger files like images from HBase, the response requires to increase the buffer size of SASL lib for thrift sasl communication.
Hue lets you secure passwords in one consolidated script, or multiple individual scripts. Hue runs each password script at startup and extracts passwords from stdout.
Store scripts in a directory that only Hue can read, write, and execute. You can choose password script names but you cannot change hue.ini property names to which you assign those scripts.
At the command line, create one or more password scripts. For example, create a consolidated script named
if [[ ${SERVICE} == "ldap_password" ]]
echo "your_ldap_password"
if [[ ${SERVICE} == "ssl_password" ]]
echo "your_ssl_password"
if [[ ${SERVICE} == "bind_password" ]]
echo "your_bind_password"
if [[ ${SERVICE} == "db_password" ]]
echo "your_database_password"
Add script properties, for example:
ldap_password_script="/var/lib/hue/ ldap_password"
ssl_password_script="/var/lib/hue/ ssl_password"
bind_password_script="/var/lib/hue/ bind_password"
db_password_script="/var/lib/hue/ db_password"
Hue now offers a new property, idle_session_timeout, that can be configured in the hue.ini file:
When idle_session_timeout is set, users will automatically be logged out after N (e.g. – 600) seconds of inactivity and be prompted to login again:
In the section:
Users will expire after they have not logged in for ‘n’ amount of seconds. A negative number means that users will never expire.
Apply ‘expires_after’ to superusers.
Users will automatically be logged out after ‘n’ seconds of inactivity. A negative number means that idle sessions will not be timed out.
Force users to change password on first login with desktop.auth.backend.AllowFirstUserDjangoBackend
Number of login attempts allowed before a record is created for failed logins
After number of allowed login attempts are exceeded, do we lock out this IP and optionally user agent?
If set, defines period of inactivity in hours after which failed logins will be forgotten. A value of 0 or None will disable this check. Default: None
If True, lock out based on an IP address AND a user agent. This means requests from different user agents but from the same IP are treated differently.
If True, lock out based on IP and user
Read more about Auditing User Administration Operations with Hue and Cloudera Navigator.
If set, limits the number of concurrent user sessions. 1 represents 1 browser session per user. Default: 0 (unlimited sessions per user)
i.e. if the SQL query takes more than 30 seconds, it might timeout without it:
504 Gateway Time-out 504 Gateway Time-out nginx/1.17.10
One solution is to execute long blocking or resource intensive operations in tasks outside of the server. This is particularly useful for querying databases other than Hive or Impala that uses the SqlAlchemy interface which is blocking until the query actually finishes.
Read more in the Task Server section of the Reference Guide.
An alternative is to increase the NGINX timeouts from 30s to more minutes: '900' '900' '900'
The user language is auto-detected and can also be manually overriden as a per user basis.
If text strings are not all translated from English, feel free to improve the django.po
files of the corresponding language and recompile them. Those translation mappings are located across the project in locale directories.
The properties we need to tweak are leaflet_tile_layer and leaflet_tile_layer_attribution, that can be configured in the hue.ini file:
leaflet_tile_layer_attribution='Tiles © Esri — Source: Esri, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, GeoEye, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, UPR-EGP, and the GIS User Community'
You can add a custom banner to the Hue Web UI by applying HTML directly to the property, banner_top_html. For example:
banner_top_html=<H4>My company's custom Hue Web UI banner</H4>
You can customize a splash screen on the login page by applying HTML directly to the property, login_splash_html. For example:
login_splash_html=WARNING: You are required to have authorization before you proceed.
There is also the possibility to change the logo for further personalization.
# SVG code to replace the default Hue logo in the top bar and sign in screen
# e.g. <image xlink:href="/static/desktop/art/hue-logo-mini-white.png" x="0" y="0" height="40" width="160" />
You can go crazy and write there any SVG code you want. Please keep in mind your SVG should be designed to fit in a 160×40 pixels space. To have the same ‘hearts logo’ you can see above, you can type this code
logo_svg='<g><path stroke="null" id="svg_1" d="m44.41215,11.43463c-4.05017,-10.71473 -17.19753,-5.90773 -18.41353,-0.5567c-1.672,-5.70253 -14.497,-9.95663 -18.411,0.5643c-4.35797,11.71793 16.891,22.23443 18.41163,23.95773c1.5181,-1.36927 22.7696,-12.43803 18.4129,-23.96533z" fill="#ffffff"/> <path stroke="null" id="svg_2" d="m98.41246,10.43463c-4.05016,-10.71473 -17.19753,-5.90773 -18.41353,-0.5567c-1.672,-5.70253 -14.497,-9.95663 -18.411,0.5643c-4.35796,11.71793 16.891,22.23443 18.41164,23.95773c1.5181,-1.36927 22.76959,-12.43803 18.41289,-23.96533z" fill="#FF5A79"/> <path stroke="null" id="svg_3" d="m154.41215,11.43463c-4.05016,-10.71473 -17.19753,-5.90773 -18.41353,-0.5567c-1.672,-5.70253 -14.497,-9.95663 -18.411,0.5643c-4.35796,11.71793 16.891,22.23443 18.41164,23.95773c1.5181,-1.36927 22.76959,-12.43803 18.41289,-23.96533z" fill="#ffffff"/> </g>'
Read more about it in Hue with a custom logo post.
By default Hue stores the saved documents in its database. This features aims at pointing to any source versioning systems like GitHub, BitBucket… to open and save queries.
Note This feature is experimental and tracked in HUE-951.
## [[[git-read-only]]]
## Base URL to Remote Server
# remote_url=
## Base URL to Version Control API
# api_url=
## [[[github]]]
## Base URL to Remote Server
# remote_url=
## Base URL to Version Control API
# api_url=
# These will be necessary when you want to write back to the repository.
## Client ID for Authorized Application
# client_id=
## Client Secret for Authorized Application
# client_secret=
## [[[svn]]
## Base URL to Remote Server
# remote_url=
## Base URL to Version Control API
# api_url=
# These will be necessary when you want to write back to the repository.
## Client ID for Authorized Application
# client_id=
## Client Secret for Authorized Application
# client_secret=
Currently in Beta
This integration with Hue helps users by assisting them with their SQL queries and have better collaboration/discussion with other users via Slack.
One of the flows for sharing query/gist links, the main bot logic lies on top of the Hue server listening to the events posted by the Hue App from Slack to an endpoint, processing those events such as generating a rich preview to unfurl for the links shared in the Slack channels and using Slack API methods for sending these responses back to Slack.
The ‘Smart Query Assistance’ block on top of Hue server which drives the other flow for SQL Assistance is currently a work in progress for replying to users asking questions on how to find certain data tables or to query them.
Steps to be followed by the Slack workspace admin to set up their own Hue Slack app. The app needs to be created only once, other Hue users can simply interact with the App in the Slack channels!
The latest version of the manifest file is checked-in here.
Update the two with your Hue instance hostname:
Go to the OAuth & Permissions page, copy the Bot User OAuth Token and update slack_bot_user_token (e.g. xoxb-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).
Similarly, go to the Basic Information page, copy the Verification Token and update slack_verification_token.
Paste this in your hue.ini file under [desktop]
Now add the Slack app in your desired channels and send some query/gist links.