SQL Parsers

The parsers are the flagship part of Hue and power advanced autocompletes and other SQL functionalities.

Refer the SQL Parser Documentation for how they works and are built.

Live Demo


Import the parser you need with something like below and run it on an SQL statement:

import sqlAutocompleteParser from 'gethue/parse/sql/hive/hiveAutocompleteParser';

const beforeCursor = 'SELECT col1, col2, tbl2.col3 FROM tbl; '; // Note extra space at end
const afterCursor = '';
const dialect = 'hive';
const debug = false;

    sqlAutocompleteParser.parseSql(beforeCursor, afterCursor, dialect, debug),

Which then will output keywords suggestions and all the known locations:

{ locations:
  [ { type: 'statement', location: [Object] },
    { type: 'statementType',
      location: [Object],
      identifier: 'SELECT' },
    { type: 'selectList', missing: false, location: [Object] },
    { type: 'column',
      location: [Object],
      identifierChain: [Array],
      qualified: false,
      tables: [Array] },
    { type: 'column',
      location: [Object],
      identifierChain: [Array],
      qualified: false,
      tables: [Array] },
    { type: 'column',
      location: [Object],
      identifierChain: [Array],
      qualified: false,
      tables: [Array] },
    { type: 'table', location: [Object], identifierChain: [Array] },
    { type: 'whereClause', missing: true, location: [Object] },
    { type: 'limitClause', missing: true, location: [Object] } ],
  lowerCase: false,
  [ { value: 'ABORT', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'ALTER', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'ANALYZE TABLE', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'CREATE', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'DELETE', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'DESCRIBE', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'DROP', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'EXPLAIN', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'EXPORT', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'FROM', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'GRANT', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'IMPORT', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'INSERT', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'LOAD', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'MERGE', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'MSCK', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'RELOAD FUNCTION', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'RESET', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'REVOKE', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'SELECT', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'SET', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'SHOW', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'TRUNCATE', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'UPDATE', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'USE', weight: -1 },
    { value: 'WITH', weight: -1 } ],
  definitions: [] }


A full example on how to use the Hive parser can be found in the demo app README.