After the installation, you can start Hue on your Hue Server by doing:
This will start several subprocesses, corresponding to the different Hue components. Your Hue installation is now running.
After installation, you can use Hue by navigating to http://myserver:8888/
Next step is to configure the API server and point to external services.
To start a Hue instance:
docker run -it -p 8888:8888 gethue/hue:latest
In addition to providing a ready to use image, the Docker Guide shows how to build it.
It then details how to start the containers and parameterize them.
To start a full Hue service:
helm repo add gethue
helm repo update
helm install hue gethue/hue
The Kubernetes Guide shows how to run the services via Helm or native YAML configs.
Fluentd is a log management system that is heavily used in the Kubernetes world. Here we will leverage the Microk8s distribution that bundles it.
First we install the fluentd add-on:
microk8s.enable fluentd
And see that the Elastic Search, Fluentd and Kibana UI are running:
kubectl get pods -A
container-registry registry-577986746b-btjdz 1/1 Running 299 96d
default hue-rp2qf 1/1 Running 69 32d
default nginx-hue-85df47ddd7-bbmwk 1/1 Running 129 48d
default postgres-hue-6cpsz 1/1 Running 72 32d
kube-system coredns-5874dcd95f-cnkfl 1/1 Running 239 84d
kube-system elasticsearch-logging-0 1/1 Running 117 47d
kube-system fluentd-es-v2.2.0-pp7qb 1/1 Running 401 33d
kube-system hostpath-provisioner-6d744c4f7c-9dgnv 1/1 Running 123 47d
kube-system kibana-logging-df8d4c8fd-kms74 1/1 Running 169 57d
kube-system kube-dns-6bfbdd666c-gzbh9 3/3 Running 369 47d
kube-system metrics-server-v0.2.1-57dfcb796b-9v7dn 2/2 Running 832 114d
kube-system tiller-deploy-765dcb8745-zlm6t 1/1 Running 382 106d
Microk8s automatically ships the logs of each container. If you are curious, here is one way to see its configuration:
kubectl edit configmaps fluentd-es-config-v0.1.5 -n kube-system
containers.input.conf: |2-
@id fluentd-containers.log
@type tail
path /var/log/containers/*.log
pos_file /var/log/es-containers.log.pos
tag raw.kubernetes.*
read_from_head true
@type multi_format
format json
time_key time
time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%NZ
format /^(?<time>.+) (?<stream>stdout|stderr) [^ ]* (?<log>.*)$/
time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%N%:z
<match raw.kubernetes.**>
@id raw.kubernetes
@type detect_exceptions
remove_tag_prefix raw
message log
stream stream
multiline_flush_interval 5
max_bytes 500000
max_lines 1000
Fluentd injects some metadata to each log line. It contains information about Kubernetes properties like container and image names. Now let’s open the Kibana UI and look at the “hue” container logs:,pause:!f,value:0),time:(from:now%2Fd,mode:quick,to:now%2Fd))&_a=(columns:!(log),filters:!(('$state':(store:appState),meta:(alias:!n,disabled:!f,index:b51668f0-a9aa-11e9-afc4-53db22981ed0,key:kubernetes.container_name,negate:!f,params:(query:hue,type:phrase),type:phrase,value:hue),query:(match:(kubernetes.container_name:(query:hue,type:phrase))))),index:b51668f0-a9aa-11e9-afc4-53db22981ed0,interval:auto,query:(language:lucene,query:''),sort:!('@timestamp',desc))
The credentials can be seen by looking at the bottom of the command:
Then select the indexes with the “logs*” patterns and use “@timestamp” as the time field. And then open above link or the Discover tab to see all the Hue container logs in real time.
It becomes then easy to look at what the users are doing, which errors they are facing… For example, here is one way to look at how many query have been executed:
Next step: in addition to Elastic Search, the logs can also be automatically stored into additional outputs like HDFS, S3 or sent to Kafka.
Hue metrics are useful for checking the load (how many users), slowness (average or percentile times taken by requests)… Those have been available via the /metrics page, but here is how to collect and aggregate this information in Kubernetes.
Prometheus is the metric collecting system heavily used in the Kubernetes world.
First we suppose we have the Prometheus operator running, which powers the Prometheus pods in the monitoring namespace:
kubectl get pods -n monitoring
alertmanager-main-0 2/2 Running 268 48d
grafana-7789c44cc7-7c4pb 1/1 Running 125 48d
kube-state-metrics-78c549dd89-kwmwg 4/4 Running 512 48d
node-exporter-zlg4s 2/2 Running 259 48d
prometheus-adapter-644b448b48-7t8rt 1/1 Running 131 48d
prometheus-k8s-0 3/3 Running 364 47d
prometheus-operator-7695b59fb8-k2qm2 1/1 Running 130 48d
To tell Prometheus how to get the metrics, we use a ServiceMonitor. Those metrics are available on the /metrics page of Hue via the Django Prometheus module. Note that to expose this URL, Hue needs to have this property turned on:
Then we can check that Prometheus is scraping properly Hue: http://prometheus:9090/targets and get a series of metrics to understand how the Hues are behaving: http://prometheus:9090/graph.
This was a very basic introduction to metrics of Hue in the Kubernetes ecosystem. In a following next step, we should describe which metrics are particularly useful and how to setup default dashboards and alerts.
Hue is getting easy to run with its Docker container and Kubernetes Helm package. Recent blog posts describe how to get access to logs and metrics. Even in a non distributed world it can get noisy to know how much time is being spent where in each user request.
Consequently, in the context of a Data Analyst, knowing why a certain query is slow can become problematic. On top of that, adding multiple tenants and users, and more than 20 external APIs and the fog about fine grain performances appears and its becomes extremely manual and time consuming to troubleshoot.
In order to help get clarity on where exactly each request time is being spent, Hue started to implement the Opentracing API. Jaeger was selected as the implementation for its ease of use and close support with Kubernetes. Here we will also leverage the Microk8s distribution that bundles it.
Hue now ships with the open tracing integration, and details about the current state of this feature are in the Tracing design document. To turn it on, in the hue.ini:
## If tracing is enabled.
## Trace all the requests instead of a few specific ones like the SQL Editor. Much noisier.
On the Jaerger side, as explained in the quick start, it is simple to run it on the same host as Hue with this container:
docker run -d --name jaeger \
-p 5775:5775/udp \
-p 6831:6831/udp \
-p 6832:6832/udp \
-p 5778:5778 \
-p 16686:16686 \
-p 14268:14268 \
-p 9411:9411 \
And that’s it! Jaeger should show up at this page http://localhost:16686.
In the SQL Editor of Hue, execute a series of queries. In the Jaeger UI, if you then select the hue-api service, each external call to the queried datawarehouse (e.g. execute_statement, fetch_status, fetch_result… to MySql, Apache Impala…) are being traced. Below we can see 5 query executions that went pretty fast.
Fine grain filtering at the user or query level operation is possible. For example, to lookup all the submit query calls of the user ‘romain’, select ‘notebook-execute’ as the Operation, and tag filter via user-id=”romain”:
In the next iteration, more calls and tags (e.g. filter all traces by SQL session XXX) will be supported and a closer integration with the database engine would even propagate the trace id across all the system.